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Contoh Explanation Text Flood


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Tapi anda jangan khawatir dengan minimnya informasi atau pengetahuan anda mengenai berbagai jenis teks. Dengan melihat dan memahami contohnya saja anda tentu bisa mengerti dan langsug bisa mengerjakannya walau tetap bisa dibilang menyontek.

Yang penting ini semua demi kebaikan bersama yang ada dalam pendidikan baik untuk siswa SMP atau SMA. Kali ini contoh explanation text ini berjudul Flood.
Contoh Explanation Text Flood Pendidikan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Dengan Terjemahan Penjelasan Materi Pembelajaran Lengkap

Contoh explanation text terbaru berjudul Flood

Explanation Text - Flood

Flood is an overflow of water that submerges the land. Usually occurs because of heavy rain. Another cause is due to sea tide. But we hear most often floods often occur due to overflow of river water.Flood occurred in the river when water flow exceeds the capacity of river channels, especially at the corners. So for people who have homes or businesses close to the natural flood of the river often get losses. They have homes and businesses near the river because of the benefits and convenience aspects. Flood is also a seasonal problem that occurs in big cities with less or no drainage system.

Sea tide is also referred to the flood that also caused much losses to all those who live near the beach. So flood is not only detrimental to the area around the river but also cause losses in the area around the beach. But now the sea tide occur because of melting Arctic ice cap is causing the increase of sea water. So flood is a result of all natural disasters on earth. And flood itself is a natural disaster.

The word "flood" comes from the Old English “flod”, a word common to Germanic languages (compare German “Flut”, Dutch “vloed” from the same root as is seen in flow, float; also compare with Latin “fluctus”, “flumen”). Deluge myths are mythical stories of a great flood sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution, and are featured in the mythology of many cultures.
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